Group Album Project
The GarageBand software has an extensive built-in library of music loops that can be selected and assembled to produce an attractive, professional sounding song track. It also has the ability to record music from an instrument and add all types of special effects and sound equalization.
We will be using the GarageBand to create 3 to 4 original songs from each member of the group. After creating your songs, you will team up with your group members to design an album artwork cover. As you work, save your project as a GarageBand project file (.BAND) and name it last name +first initial + song1 (song2 for the second song, etc.). When you are finished, export it using Share>Export Song to Disk menu and choose the .MP3 encoder and name the output file the same name (ex: pettywsong1.MP3). Submit the .MP3 file using the form below. Rubric: -Groups will be of 2-3 members unless instructed differently -The group decides on 1 genre of song type and each member creates songs for the album. -Each member creates 3-4 original songs to contribute to the album using instruments/beats. -Each song has a "hook" or looped chorus section that repeats like songs you listen to. -Each song has 5 or more instruments/beat layers that contribute to the song. -Each song should be a minimum of 2 minutes in length and a max of 3 minutes. -Original album art work cover designed in Photoshop with all members contributing. -Album art work must be a concept of many layers, can't be just a photo or1 image on image. -Album art work is a professional design (look up examples online that are not just photo) -Songs exported as MP3 format, Art work saved as JPEG format -Songs submitted in 1 folder, named as name of the band, songs/art properly named inside. -Peer evaluation survey submitted by each group member on FRIDAY (not open till that day) When you have finished your original songs, use the Peer Evaluation Survey (see link on the right) to rate your group members' contributions to the completion of the album. Please be honest! Your responses are totally anonymous.