Black and White to Color Photo ProjectAdobe Photoshop is a very powerful image editor that can bring life to otherwise dull and unexciting photos. Using the tools and features of the software, a photographer can take his or her pictures to the next level and produce professional-looking images.
In this project, you will learn how to use the selection and coloring tools of Photoshop to add a splash of color to a black and white photo. The overall goal is to bring a dull photo back to life by accurately coloring the components to make them seem life-like. Choose one of the black and white images on the right and use the refined selection tools of Photoshop to carefully select particular areas and add color. Be sure to add each color on its own layer just in case you need to make adjustments later on. Leaving several colors on the same layer (especially the background layer) can result in you having to start your project all over again! As you work, save your project as a .psd and name it lastname + first initial + bw.psd. When you are finished, save it again as a JPEG with the same name (ex: pettywbw.jpg) Submit the .JPG file using the form below. Don't forget to review the rubric to make sure you are meeting all of the project requirements!